HABC Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care or Children and Young People's Settings (QCF)
Who is this qualification for?
This qualification forms the employment rights and responsibilities (ERR) component of the Intermediate/Advanced Apprenticeships for Health and Social Care.
How long will it take?
To complete this qualification learners should expect to undertake 24 hours of learning.
Topics covered
These include the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers within own area of work, agreed ways of working that protect own relationship with employer, how own role fits within the wider context of the sector, career pathways available within own and related sectors and how issues of public concern may affect the image and delivery of services in the sector.
Assessment method
This qualification is assessed by a portfolio of evidence.
HABC Level 2 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care (QCF)
HABC Level 3 Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care (QCF)
Who is this qualification for?
This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in adult social care in England. It forms the knowledge component of the Intermediate (Level 2) or Advanced (Level 3) Apprenticeship for Health and Social Care: Adult Social Care General Pathway.
How long will it take?
To complete Level 2 qualification learners should expect to undertake 179 hours of learning and level 3 should expect to take 190 hours
Topics covered
These include principles of communication in adult social care settings, personal development in adult social care settings, diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings, safeguarding and protection in health and social care, duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, role of the social care worker and health and safety in social care settings.
Assessment method
This qualification can be assessed by a portfolio of evidence.
HABC Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QCF) (General Pathway)
HABC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QCF) (General Pathway)
This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in adult social care in England. It forms the competency component of the Intermediate or Advanced Apprenticeship for Health and Social Care: adult social care general pathway or can also be delivered on a stand-alone basis.
How long will it take?
To complete this qualification learners should expect to undertake between 319 and 396 hours of learning for Level 2 and between 315 - 447 hours of learning for Level 3, depending on unit choices.
Topics covered
These include introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, safeguarding and protection in health and social care, the role of the health and social care worker and handling information in health and social care settings.
Assessment method
This qualification can be assessed by a portfolio of evidence.
HABC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QCF) (Dementia Pathway)
This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in adult social care in England. It forms the competency component of the Intermediate or Advanced Apprenticeship for Health and Social Care: adult social care Dementia pathway or can also be delivered on a stand-alone basis.
How long will it take?
To complete this qualification learners should expect to undertake between 319 and 396 hours of learning for Level 2 and between 315 - 447 hours of learning for Level 3, depending on unit choices.
Topics covered
These include introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, safeguarding and protection in health and social care, the role of the health and social care worker and handling information in health and social care settings.
Assessment method
This qualification can be assessed by a portfolio of evidence.
HABC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) for England (QCF) (Learning Disabilities Pathway)
This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in adult social care in England. It forms the competency component of the Intermediate or Advanced Apprenticeship for Health and Social Care: adult social care Learning Disability pathway or can also be delivered on a stand-alone basis.
How long will it take?
To complete this qualification learners should expect to undertake between 319 and 396 hours of learning for Level 2 and between 315 - 447 hours of learning for Level 3, depending on unit choices.
Topics covered
These include introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings, safeguarding and protection in health and social care, the role of the health and social care worker and handling information in health and social care settings.
Assessment method
This qualification can be assessed by a portfolio of evidence.
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